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Utility application with easy-to-use UI for managing Siebel server components and parameters

The Siebel utility application is a lightweight full stack application built for Node JS and PowerShell, which enables interaction with Siebel server components easily through an intuitive and easy-to-use user interface. You can check and change parameters, start and stop servers or set the log level for events. Snapshots can be created to save the current state of the Siebel enterprise, which can be compared to other enterprise states between different environments or saved snapshots.

An open source trial version is available for download on GitHub and you can also request the full version for free! Let's make a quick rundown of the application's features.

Server configuration

Display server settings, such as:

The list of settings can be filtered and queried. The full version allows changing any parameter directly from the Siebel utility application's UI, and the current state of the enterprise can be saved into a JSON file.


Server management

Events and logging levels of the events for server components of the enterprise can be listed in the utility application's UI.


The full version also allows issuing commands to the components, such as starting, stopping or killing them, listing and starting tasks. You can also change the logging level for all or some of their events.

Compare server configurations

Are you sure your Siebel environments' configurations are aligned to each other? Something broke for seemingly no reason? Every Siebel developer has been there. What if you could compare the state of the entire Siebel enterprise with the live ZooKeeper data or a previous snapshot?


This is now possible with the full version of the Siebel utility application!

Get the full version for free